Have you seen Bigfoot?!
Apparently, if you have (or even if you’d just like to go searching for him), you can join in with the 2021 Spring expedition team on the air! Since Bigfoot has often been seen & heard in the Ouachita National Forest, the Expeditionary Team will return to the Kiamichi Mountains in OK and the Winding Stair Mountains in AR now until 15 May 2021. They are approaching by land, bayou, swamps, & lakes!
You can also track their progress via Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) to KF5THB-7 and on the voice bands 14.255 and 7.255 MHz.
Radio operations will be backwoods, solar-powered, and tent-sheltered, as well as marine mobile via swamp boat & canoe.
Check their Facebook page (Bigfoot Radio Net (ham radio!)) for more info, but you’ll need to join the private group first.

Thanks to ARRL News for the report!
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