Day of YL!

Are you ready for the “Day of YL?”  This weekend, YLs and OMs all over the world will celebrate Day of YL on the air to encourage more women to be heard on the air waves by making as many contacts as they can in an exciting contest for women in honor of Carine, silent key F5ISY, who started the vision but didn’t live to see it come to fruition.
Carine – F5ISY
This annual Spring event takes place the last weekend in May (this year the 29th & 30th) from 29-05-2021 00:00 UTC to 05-30-2021 23:59h UTC.  YLs who choose to participate in the contest earn 3 points for each YL contact and 1 point for each OM contact on ANY band, in ANY mode!


    • 160m
    • 80m
    • 40m
    • 20m
    • 15m
    • 10m
    • 2m

Acceptable Modes:

    • CW
    • SSB
    • FT8
    • RTTY
    • DMR
    • FUSION
    • DSTAR
Contest rules can be found here.  OMs are encouraged to participate and help YLs gain their points.
Catch me on the air!
73s, 88s, & 33s to all Y’all!