Important Exam Information
If you’re interested in taking the Ham Exam to obtain or upgrade your Ham radio license, please make note of the following.
There is a $15 test fee, payable in cash. Applicants may take as many examination elements as they can successfully pass during a session for the one fee. Another fee is charged to retake a failed examination. Change cannot be made, so please bring exact amount.
No photocopy capability is available at the test sites, so be sure to bring any required photocopies to be given to the exam team to forward to the VEC.
You will also need an FCC frn# and a legal photo ID.
If you are a licensed Ham and upgrading, please bring a copy of your license and a copy of a CSCE if you are claiming credit for a previously taken test.
Pre-Registration of applicants by telephone is required by calling the contact person listed below at least 24 hours in advance.